Behind every successful man

IntLawGrrls' favorite image from this week's doings at U.N. headquarters in New York: U.S. President Barack Obama chairing Thursday's session of the Security Council, flanked by 2 top foreign policy advisors, Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, and Dr. Susan E. Rice, Ambassador to the United Nations.
As seen in the U.N. video of the session, unanimously adopted was Res. 1887 (2009), on nuclear nonproliferation. (Hat tip to Peggy McGuinness, IntLawGrrls guest/alumna and charter member of Opinio Juris, whose OJ posts on U.N. happenings have been super.)
Clinton and Rice were by no means the only women foreign policy advisors hard at work this week: U.N. dispatch reported that White House aide Samantha Power (left) spoke at a press briefing Wednesday, following the "first-of-a-kind meeting" between Obama and leaders of countries that comprise the top contributors to U.N. peacekeeping operations. Power (prior posts) is Senior Director for Multilateral Affairs at the National Security Council.

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