(Go On! is an occasional item on symposia of interest) This past year a permanent exhibit, "Courtroom 600 - Project "Memorial Nuremberg Trials," has been established in the Palace of Justice at which the International Military Tribunal and 12 subsequent U.S. military tribunals convened under Control Council Law No. 10. To recognize this development, Nuremberg’s Documentation Centre will convene a conference entitled "'That Four Great Nations': The Nuremberg Trials: Taking Stock" from October 1 to 3, 2009, at the Documentation Centre in Nuremberg. (credit for 2007 photo below right, by me, of Courtroom 600)
Session topics and participants:
► Nuremberg Categories of Crimes and their Significance for the Present, Christoph J.M. Safferling, David M. Crane, and Rainer Huhle.
► National and International Media Response to the Nuremberg Trial, Hans-Ulrich Wagner, Brian K. Feltman, and Nina Burkhardt.
► National Contributions and Perspectives on the International Military Tribunal, John Q. Barrett (to whom we tip our hats for news of this conference), David Cesarani, Annette Wieviorka, and Natalja Lebedeva.
► U.S. Intelligence Support and Subversion of the Nuremberg Trial's Process, Michael Salter.
► Problems of Criminal Defence at the International Military Tribunal, Sven Peitzner.
► The Holocaust on Trial?, Michael R. Marrus, Laura Jockusch, and Thomas Bryant.
► A Challenge for the Tribunal: Presenting films as Evidence, Christian Delage.
► Visit to Court Room 600, Klaus Kastner.
► Toward a Conjoined Understanding of the International Military Tribunals of Nuremberg and Tokyo, Neil Boister, Elizabeth Borgwardt, and James B. Sedgwick.
► Legacy of Nuremberg, Claus Kreß.
The conference website is here; registration details here.
I do hope they'll publish the papers, given that this promises to generate a rich information trove to complement this IntLawGrrl's Women at Nuremberg research.