Today's Guest Bloggers: Paulette Lloyd and Beth A. Simmons

It's IntLawGrrls' great pleasure to welcome Dr. Paulette Lloyd and Dr. Beth A. Simmons (right) as today's guest bloggers.
► Paulette is an Assistant Professor of Sociology and International Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington. She is an Affiliate of the Center for Law, Society, and Culture at Indiana University’s Maurer School of Law.
Paulette received her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California at Los Angeles in 2005, and was a postdoctoral research associate at the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies in 2005-2006. Her scholarship applies social network methods to examine consensus-making processes and the diffusion of global norms, as well as the structure of international cooperation and exchanges in the area of human rights, transnational crime, and international law.
► Beth (with whom yours truly has had the honor of serving on the Executive Council of the American Society of International Law) is Clarence Dillon Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University. She was a Fellow at the Straus Institute for the Advanced Study of Law and Justice at New York University in 2009-2010.
Beth's new book, Mobilizing for Human Rights: International Law in Domestic Politics (Cambridge University Press, 2009) won the 2010 American Society for International Law’s Certificate of Merit for a Preeminent Contribution to Creative Scholarship. She was elected in April 2009 to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
In their guest post below, Paulette and Beth describe the findings of their research on framing, rational choice, transnational crime, and human trafficking.

Heartfelt welcome!

Bloggers Team