(Go On! is an occasional item on symposia and other events of interest)
All day next Thursday, November 4, Berkeley's International House will host the annual University of California Human Rights Fellows Conference. Featured will be many human rights researchers and advocates -- student recipients of the universitywide summer fellowship program -- who will present their in-the-field fellowship projects.
Proud to say that 2 of the presenters received their awards through a competition sponsored by the California International Law Center at King Hall, University of California, Davis, School of Law. They are California-Davis law students Elica Vafaie and Daniel Marsh; their summer postings are described below.
Applications for 2011 fellowships, open to registered students at various University of California campus, are now being accepted; see here.
Panels planned for Thursday's conference, with names of the UC student fellows and the places where they worked this summer:
► "Shadows of Health, Justice and Citizenship," featuring: Andrew Lim (Karen Department of Health and Welfare/Global Health Access Program, Thailand); Lexa Grayner (Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia, Thailand); Katie Dingeman (Central American Resource Center, Los Angeles); Keramet Reiter (National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Oakland); and Elica Vafaie (Center for Constitutional Rights, New York).
► "Rights: Tension and Interdependence," featuring: Rochelle Terman (Women Living Under Muslim Laws, London); Ugo Edu (A Cor da Bahia, Brazil); Sandra Alvarez (Asociación de Autoridades Tradicionales y Cabildos U’wa, Colombia); and Kony Kim (Bronx Defenders, New York).
► "Identity and Interpretation," featuring: Stephen Meyers (Handicap International, Nicaragua); Candler Hallman (Families Acting for Innocent Relatives, Northern Ireland); Patience Fielding (International Federation of Women Lawyers, Cameroon); and Daniel Marsh (Timap for Justice, Sierra Leone).
► "Media Politic: ‘Visibilizing’ Human Rights," Kate Trumbull (Center for Bridging Communities, San Diego); Michelle Dizon (Focus on the Global South, Philippines); Teo Ballvé (Verdad Abierta, Colombia): and Madeleine Bair(Jamaicans for Justice, Jamaica).
► "Development and the Environment," Anonymous (SOS Habitat, Angola); Lara Cushing (Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense, Mexico); Cheryl Deutsch (National Hawkers’ Federation, India); and Henry Steinberg (Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense, Costa Rica).
Fellows' biographies are available here. Conference details here.