Guest Blogger: Linda Carter

It's IntLawGrrls' great pleasure to welcome Linda Carter (right) as today's guest blogger.
Linda is a Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for Development of Legal Infrastructure at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento, California. Her teaching and research areas are criminal law and procedure, evidence, capital punishment law, international criminal law, and comparative legal systems.
Prior to entering academia, Linda litigated civil and criminal cases. From 1978 to 1981, she was an attorney in the honors program of the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C., where she litigated voting, housing, and education discrimination cases. From 1981 to 1985, she was an attorney with the Legal Defender Association in Salt Lake City, Utah, where she represented indigent criminal defendants on misdemeanor and felony charges. Her most recent publications include a book, Global Issues in Criminal Law (2007) (co-authored with Christopher Blakesley and Peter Henning) and articles on the blending of civil and common law legal systems in the procedure of international criminal tribunals. Linda's guest post below, which discusses her forthcoming article, "The Principle of Complementarity and the International Criminal Court: The Role of Ne Bis in Idem," is in that same vein.
Linda has lectured or researched international criminal law issues in Rwanda and Cambodia. In 2007, she served as a Visiting Professional in the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court and as a legal researcher at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Since 2003, she has assisted with the Brandeis Institute for International Judges, which convenes judges from various international tribunals. Linda's also participated in two West African Colloquia for judges of the supreme courts in West Africa,and she taught in Senegal in spring 2009 as a Fulbright Senior Specialist.
Heartfelt welcome!

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