At your leisure, have a look.

(image credits, top to bottom: early American spinner; 19th C. Navajo weavers; mid-19th C. domestic servants in Florida; early 20th C. cotton mill workers in Indianapolis, Indiana; early 20th C. farm worker; early 20th C., "Delia Kane, age 14, waitress at the Exchange Luncheon in Boston"; circa 1913, garment workers on strike in New York; 1937 photo of woman and child, forced by Depression and Dust Bowl joblessness to migrate from Oklahoma to California; circa 1940s photo of California Department of Motor Vehicles secretary Mitsuye Endo, a loyal American of Japanese ancestry who in a 1944 Supreme Court judgment won her challenge to internment; circa 1980s photo of Sally Ride, pioneering astronaut; photo of Maria Isabel Vasquez Jimenez, who, aged 17 and pregnant with child, died in 2008 of heat exhaustion while working in a field in California's Central Valley; March 2009 AP photo of Dr. Susan E. Rice, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (left), and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (right), at work)