... 2008 (today), is marked World Diabetes Day. Held on the anniversary of the birth of a founder of insulin, still the main treatment for the disease, this day "was introduced in 1991 by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in response to the alarming rise in diabetes around the world." As 1 for whom diabetes is the family disease -- on all sides of the family -- all response is most welcome.
... 1991, U.S. and British officials announced the issuance of arrest warrants against 2 Libyan nationals accused of causing the 1988 bombing of a Pan-Am jet over Lockerbie, Scotland. Eventually the 2 were tried at a military base in the Netherlands before Scottish judges applying Scottish law (right). One defendant was acquitted. With respect to the other, appellate proceedings are expected to resume in mid-2009, even as he continues to serve a prison sentence in Glasgow. (photo credit)