On January 28

... 1909 (100 years ago today), at Havana (left), U.S. officials who'd been governing Cuba withdrew upon the noon-hour inauguration of a new President of the "restored Cuban Republic." Evacuation by April 1 was planned for all the U.S. troops that'd been on the island since the Spanish-American War, the New York Times reported -- "save for a permanent force at the American naval station at Guantanamo." As loyal readers know, we IntLawGrrls have posted frequently on current affairs at that naval base. (credit for 1909 map)

... 1947, Jeanne Shaheen (right), who was sworn in this month as U.S. Senator for New Hampshire, and who'd served as that state's Governor from 1997 to 2003, was born in Saint Charles, Missouri. A Democrat, she's is the 1st woman ever to have held both of these offices.
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