Go On! International Law Weekend-West

(Go on! is an occasional item on symposia of interest) For a decade now we intlawyers on the West Coast having been making a biennial treak to International Law Weekend-West, a free 2-day conference on all aspects of law organized by American Branch of the International Law Association. Time to put the next one on our schedule:
The 5th biennial ILW-W is set for March 6 and 7, 2009, at Willamette University College of Law in Salem, Oregon.
Featured are addresses on “International Criminal Justice: Does It Work?”, by Judge Theodor Meron of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and on “The American Law Institute Goes Global,” by Columbia Law Professor George Bermann. Topics for panels include:
► Prosecution of international war crimes in the United States
► Taming capital markets
► Water resources
► Detention and other treatment of refugees
► Life cycle of an international technology transaction
► Empirical approaches to developments in international humanitarian law
► Law of the sea and the environment
► Intellectual property rights
► International and foreign law in immigration law practice
Special features of the conference will be a:
► Commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Mare Liberum (Freedom of the Seas), a masterwork by Hugo Grotius, the Dutch legal theorist whose 425th birthday IntLawGrrls marked last year; and a
► Tribute to the late international law scholar Louis Sohn.
Details are available here or by contacting our colleague James A.R. Nafziger at jnafziger@willamette.edu.

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