Write On! International Theory

(Write On! is an occasional item about notable calls for papers.) Editors Alex Wendt & Duncan Snidal, political scientists from Ohio State University and the University of Chicago, respectively, are seeking submissions for papers to be published in International Theory, a 3-times-a-year, peer-reviewed, Cambridge University Press journal set for a 2009 début.
(Among those serving on the editorial board: our colleagues Jutta Brunnée, University of Toronto; Hilary Charlesworth, Australian National University; Robyn Eckersley, University of Melbourne; Toni Erskine, University of Aberstwyth, Wales; and Kimberly Hutchings, London School of Economics.)
As fully described here, the aim is for a genuinely interdisciplinary review -- linking international relations theory, international legal theory, and international political theory -- a review that
► promotes theoretical scholarship about the positive, legal, and normative aspects of world politics respectively;
► is open to theory of absolutely all varieties and from all disciplines, provided it addresses problems of politics, broadly defined and pertains to the international;
► welcomes scholarship that uses evidence from the real world to advance theoretical arguments; and
► is intended as a forum where scholars can develop theoretical arguments in depth without an expectation of extensive empirical analysis.
Invited are papers on theory of all varieties and from all disciplines, provided that they address problems of politics, broadly defined, and relate to the international.
Submission details are here; inquiries may be e-mailed to it.mershon@osu.edu.

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