Write On! East Asia conference

(Write On! is an occasional item about notable calls for papers)

Papers are beings sought for Dialects and Dialectics: East Asian Dialogues in Law and Society, a 2d annual East Asian Law and Society Conference conference to be held September 30 and October 1, 2011, at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. Organizers are the Collaborative Research Network on East Asian Law and Society and the Korean Society for the Sociology of Law. They write:

'Rule of law' is now accepted as the universal language of governance, but it is undeniable that various dialects are spoken in different regions of the world. While efforts are made at the national level to promote a standard form of 'rule-of-law speech,; sub-national dialects persist within each jurisdiction. This is particularly true in Asia, despite increasing pressures toward the global convergence of national legal systems. Genuine convergence, however, can only come about through dialectical relationships among the different legal dialects. A true dialectical relationship, in turn, will be possible only when meaningful dialogues take place among speakers of those different dialects. The organizers hope to explore these plural interactions through a diverse array of panels and paper presentations.
Proposals for papers and panels on this theme -- or on "any topic in connection with law and society in Asia" should be submitted no later than March 15, 2011, via e-mail to eastasialsa2@gmail.com.
Details on submission requirements here.

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