Guest Blogger: Elizabeth Santalla

It's IntLawGrrls' great pleasure to welcome Elizabeth Santalla (right) as today's guest blogger.
Currently a visiting professional at the International Criminal Court, Elizabeth was graduated from the School of Law at Universidad Católica Boliviana and obtained her masters’ degree at the University of San Francisco, California. She has pursued postgraduate courses: on international human rights law, at the University of Helsinki, the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, the Hague Academy of International Law; on international humanitarian law, at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law, the International Committee of the Red Cross-Colombia, and the University of Rosario, Colombia; on international criminal law, at the Grotius Centre, Leiden University, the Netherlands.
She is a member of the Latin American Group of Studies on International Criminal Law, chaired by Goettingen Law Professor Kai Ambos and coordinated by the Foundation Konrad Adenauer. In her guest post below, Elizabeth discusses her article on the codification of genocide in Latin America, part of the 2010 special issue of the International Criminal Law Review, on the subject of "Latin American and International Criminal Law," that Ambos edited. Elizabeth also has published on universal jurisdiction and on torture in connection with the exclusion clause of the Refugee Convention.
Having taught international law subjects at Universidad Privada Boliviana and Universidad Católica Boliviana, Elizabeth is now engaged with Educatis, a long-distance university based in Switzerland.
She has worked as a consultant, inter alia: for a Bolivian ombudsman on national implementation of the Rome Statute of the ICC; with the ICRC on international humanitarian law and the use of force; and for Bolivia office of the U.N. High Commissioner of Human Rights. She's also been a legal adviser at the Implementing Agency in Bolivia of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees and an associate legal officer at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

Heartfelt welcome!

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