(Read On! ... occasional posts on writing worth reading) Heartfelt thanks to our colleague Bert Lockwood for alerting us to 2 new books in the University of Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights series, which he edits and which also features works by IntLawGrrls Naomi Roht-Arriaza and Connie de la Vega (prior post).
The new titles, which Bert rightly guessed that would be of interest to IntLawGrrls readers, are:
This book's co-edited by Laura Reichenbach, Senior Researcher for the Population Council in Islamabad, Pakistan,and Mindy Jane Roseman (below left), Academic Director of the Human Rights Program and Lecturer at Harvard Law School (not to mention this 'Grrl's law school classmate!).The new titles, which Bert rightly guessed that would be of interest to IntLawGrrls readers, are:
Their book "critically reflects on the past fifteen years of international efforts aimed at improving health, alleviating poverty, diminishing gender inequality, and promoting human rights," by means of essays from scholars and practitioners "that are centered on the 1994 United Nations International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and its resulting Programme of Action." Issues discussed include "changing political, religious, academic, and disciplinary contexts," "maternal mortality, abortion, HIV/AIDS, adolescents, reproductive technologies, and demography," and "how ICPD has been sidelined by emerging health and development agendas and what could be done in response." Details here.
► Gender Stereotyping: Transnational Legal Perspectives (forthcoming December 2009)
The authors are Rebecca J. Cook (right), Professor of Law and Faculty Chair in International Human Rights, Faculty of Law, at the University of Toronto, and Simone Cusack, an attorney at the Public Interest Law Clearing House in Melbourne, Australia.Their book looks at domestic and international law and jurisprudence to "offe[r] perspectives on ways gender stereotypes might be eliminated through the transnational legal process in order to ensure women's equality and the full exercise of their human rights." Pivotal in their analysis is the 1979 Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, from which Cook and Cusack develop "strategies" such as "naming operative gender stereotypes, identifying how they violate the human rights of women, and articulating states' obligations to eliminate and remedy these violations." Details here.