Write On! National security law workshop

(Write On! is an occasional item about notable calls for papers.)
Austin, Texas, will be the site of the 2nd annual National Security Law Junior Faculty Workshop, to be held on March 12 and 13, 2009. (Among the presenters at the inaugural workshop, held last year at Wake Forest, was IntLawGrrls' own Beth Hillman.)
This year's workshop will combine discussion of works-in-progress with training in the law of war, the latter provided by instructors from the International Committee of the Red Cross and the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General School.
For details on this year's workshop, link to the "here" details at this post. For questions, contact Robert M. Chesney at rchesney@law.utexas.edu.
Anyone is welcome to attend, and all are welcome to submit a paper for consideration. The deadline for submitting a paper or abstract for consideration is January 15, 2009.

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