The early 1970s was a limiting time for women, but it was also, perhaps, a hopeful time. There was definitely a feeling in the air that women’s lives were changing in a positive way. There was a sense that everything was possible, that life for women was getting better, that if things hadn’t yet come together as well as they should have, they inevitably would. Down the line. Like, today.
Life for women has not come together.
-- The New York Times' Judith Warner (above left), in "When We’re Equal, We’ll Be Happy," an excellent consideration of the "unhappy" state of the modern American woman and an entrée to related works of interest, including A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything, a just-released report by Maria Shriver and the Center for American Progress, edited by Heather Boushey and Ann O'Leary. (Also promising, though not mentioned by Warner: Gail Collins' new book When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women From 1960 to the Present, reviewed here. And see a related op-ed, in today's NYT, here.)