On October 22

On this day in ...
... 2002, Brigitte Zy­pries (left) began serving as Germany's Fed­er­al Min­is­ter of Jus­tice, a post she continues to hold. Born on November 16, 1953, in Kassel, Germany, she worked as an aca­dem­ic as­sis­tant at the Fed­er­al Con­sti­tu­tion­al Court in Karl­sruhe after completing her law studies; eventually she became the Head of Di­vi­sion for Con­sti­tu­tion­al Law at the State Chan­cellery of Lower Sax­ony and then served in other government posts. Among her 1st efforts as Justice Minister was reform of German law on sex crimes; another was the updating of intellectual property laws. A few months ago Zypries explained in an interview with the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum "why her government passed a law making Holocaust denial a criminal offense and why that law is important."

(Prior October 22 posts are here and here.)
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