Guest Blogger: Jane McAdam

It's IntLawGrrls' great pleasure to welcome Dr. Jane McAdam (left) as today's guest blogger.
Jane is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of New South Wales in Australia. She is also the Director of International Law Programs, the Director of International Moots, and the Director of the International Refugee and Migration Law Project at the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law. Jane is a Research Associate at the University of Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre, and has also been the Director of Oxford’s International Summer School in Forced Migration. She previously taught in the Faculty of Law at the University of Sydney, and at Lincoln College at the University of Oxford, where she obtained her doctorate.
Jane is the author of Complementary Protection in International Refugee Law (2007); co-author with Oxford's Dr. Guy Goodwin-Gill of the 3d edition of The Refugee in International Law (2007), the seminal text in the field; and the editor of Forced Migration, Human Rights and Security (2008). She served as guest editor both of a special issue of the Refugee Survey Quarterly marking the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and, with Dr. Tim Stephens, of the climate change law issue of the Australian International Law Journal. She is a member of the latter journal's editorial board, and has served in similar positions for other reviews.
Her current research on climate-induced displacement is supported by a 3-year Australian Research Council Discovery Grant entitled "Weathering Uncertainty: Climate Change 'Refugees' and International Law." More information about that project can be found here.
Jane's professional activities include service as Associate Rapporteur of the Convention Refugee Status and Subsidiary Protection Working Party for the International Association of Refugee Law Judges; Executive Committee membership for the International Law Association (Australian Branch); and Vice-Presidency of Sydney's Refugee Advice and Casework Service. Jane has worked on a variety of projects with UNHCR, the European Union, Green Cross Australia, the Czech–Helsinki Committee, Amnesty International, the Refugee Council of Australia, and the Refugee Studies Centre at the University of Oxford.
In her guest post below, Jane draws upon an article she co-authored with Dr. Ben Saul, Director of the Sydney Centre for International and Global Law, University of Sydney Law School, entitled An Insecure Climate for Human Security? Climate-Induced Displacement and International Law.
Heartfelt welcome!

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