About 30 miles south of Nashville, Tennessee is the National Park which commemorates the December 30 1862-January 3 1863 battle of Stones' River. Within Stones' National Military Park boundaries is the 20 acres Stones' River National Cemetery, with 6,850 internments of which 2562 are unidentified. Just outside the cemetery is the Hazen's Brigade Monument was built by Federal soldiers during the spring of 1863.
It is the oldest surviving American Civil War monument standing in its original location. An even earlier monument was erected after the Battle of Manassas in Virginia but is no longer extant.
The thunderstorms of May 16 filled the Tennessee River which flooded Nashville. The deluge also flooded Stones' River which spilled over its banks and covered part of the Stones River National Military Park. At top left is a photo of the cemetery at Hazens' Monument.
Image Sources: Nashville Public Radio