Final Poll Winner: The Battle of Hampton Roads
Over the past five weeks, readers of this blog were asked "What was the most important naval battle of the Civil War?" Twenty naval battles were posted during this time period, and readers voted on what they felt was the most important. Many were well known, while others were limited conflicts. This past week's poll included the five top battles from previous weeks. By a slim margin, the Battle of Hampton Roads (8-9 March 1862) beat out both the Union Blockade and the Vicksburg Campaign. Here are the results:
Battle of Hampton Roads - 6 votes
Island No. 10 - 0 votes
Battle of Memphis - 3 votes
Union Blockade - 4 votes
Vicksburg Campaign - 4 votes
This is especially important as we get closer to the anniversary of the event. Many museums around the country, include the Hampton Roads Naval Museum, include many artifacts from the battle itself. Stay tuned to the blog, as HRNM historian Gordon Calhoun and Registrar Mike Taylor are currently working to complete a USS Cumberland interactive center on the Hampton Roads Naval Museum website just in time for the anniversary. Keep up to date with any events and postings concerning the Civil War Navy Sesquicentennial by viewing this blog or visiting us on Facebook, keyword "Civil War Navy Sesquicentennial."