Go On! Modern-Day Piracy Off Somalia

(Go On! is an occasional item on symposia of interest) An evening of discussion of international legal issues on the current situation of modern-day piracy -- entitled "Piracy Off the Coast of Somalia: Challenges to Deterrence, Pursuit, and Prosecution" -- is on hand from 5 to 7 p.m. Monday, March 2, at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, Sacramento, California. Cosponsors of are Pacific McGeorge's Global Center for Business & Development and ASIL-West, a regional project of the American Society of International Law.
Opening the discussion moderated by Linda Carter (Pacific McGeorge) will be Fausto Pocar (left), the University of Milan international law professor who serves as a Judge on the Appeals Chamber for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and who is the former President of the ICTY and a past member of the Human Rights Committee, the U.N. body that monitors compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Leading the ensuing open discussion will be ASIL-West Co-Chair David D. Caron (California-Berkeley), John Cary Sims (Pacific McGeorge), and IntLawGrrl Beth Van Schaack (Santa Clara).
Details and registration here.
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