On November 4

On this day in ...
... 1995 (15 years ago today), Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel, was fatally shot 3 times at close range as he was leaving a peace rally in Tel Aviv. (credit for monument now at site of the shooting) Arrested at the scene was a founder of an illegal Jewish settlement on the West Bank; eventually he was convicted and received a life term, and his accomplices also were sentenced to prison. According to the BBC, the next Prime Minister, Shimon Peres -- who had won the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize along with Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat -- "pushed on with" his predecessor's "efforts to make peace with the Palestinians. But in an election in 1996 he lost to Binyamin Netanyahu who campaigned against the Rabin-Peres peace programme." Netanyahu would serve till 1999, and then return to the office, which he now holds, in 2009.

(Prior November 4 posts are here, here, and here.)
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