In light of these two developments, Professor Slye has withdrawn his resignation. In a statement, released today, he wrote:
As lingering concerns, Professor Slye noted that the Kenyan government has still not provided the Commission with the resources it needs to accomplish its mandate. As such, he urged the government as well as the donor community and civil society to support the work of the TJRC, becauseThe decision of the Chairman to step aside has restored some of my faith in the ability of the Commission to succeed. It is no means certain to me that it will. The lack of financial and other support to which I referred in my earlier statement still exists. I do believe, however, that with the Chairman’s decision to step aside, there is the possibility that the Government of Kenya and others will step up and provide the Commission with much of the support that it needs.
It is for these reasons that I announce that I am withdrawing my intention to resign from the Commission. In so doing I do not mean to imply that the Commission has overcome all of the hurdles facing it. I do believe, however, that with the hard work and dedication of the remaining Commissioners and staff, the Commission has a fighting chance to fulfill the important mandate entrusted to it by the people of Kenya.
For it is only by facing squarely the misdeeds of the past that a future of respect for the rights of all Kenyans can be ensured.Well said.