Dispatch from Oslo

As Beth van Schaack posted earlier today, the University of Oslo is currently hosting The Creation of International Law: An Exploration of Normative Innovation, Contextual Application, and Interpretation in a Time of Flux. This two day conference brings together acclaimed women scholars from around the world to explore challenges relating to the creation and elaboration of international law.
Catharine MacKinnon (left) began the conference with a brilliant keynote address focusing on the trajectory of the crime of rape from its conceptual origin as a crime against an individual into a gender-based crime into an international crime. She gave a brilliant exposition of the reflexive relationship between conceptions of gender in domestic and international law. Organized by Prof. Cecilia Bailliet, an IntLawGrrls guest/alumna, the conference has been a showcase for IntLawGrrl talent.
IntLawGrrls Fiona de Londras, Karima Bennoune and Beth van Schaack presented papers today on varying aspects of international criminal law. On tomorrow's roster are IntLawGrrls Hari M. Osofsky and me, Rebecca Bratspies, both speaking about international environmental law.
The papers from the conference will be published.

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