'Nuff said

(Taking context-optional note of thought-provoking quotes)

'Like any other government official, government lawyers are responsible for the foreseeable consequences of their conduct.'

-- U.S. District Judge Jeffrey S. White (N.D. Cal.) (above right), explaining why he denied a motion to dismiss a challenge to Bush-era detention and interrogation techniques. (photo credit)
In the lawsuit captioned Padilla v. Yoo, Case No. 08-00035, on which IntLawGrrls posted when it was filed, onetime "enemy combatant" detainee José Padilla (bottom left) seeks damages against John Yoo (top left), former Bush Administration lawyer and current California-Berkeley law professor. White had taught civil trial advocacy at Berkeley Law, as an adjunct, for more than 20 years before assuming the federal bench on nomination of President George W. Bush.

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