NEWS FLASH: Koh to full Senate tomorrow

About 18 hours after IntLawGrrls put up the running tab of how much time's lapsed since Harold Koh was tapped to be the State Department's Legal Adviser, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid filed for cloture and set a full Senate vote. It's slated for tomorrow, Wednesday, June 24. But the fight is far from over:

All sides expect a contentious, tip-and-tuck vote, and Democrats are prepared for a debate that could last several days if outspoken opponents of the nomination such as Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) decide to drag out the process.

We at IntLawGrrls have detailed Koh's immense qualifications here. Yet robocalls against Koh are said already to be in full swing. Time for real humans to call Senators (contact info: here; here) and urge a "Yes on Koh" vote. 60 are needed for success.

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