(On the Job! pays occasional notice to interesting intlaw job notices) A nongovernmental organization on whose board IntLawGrrl Elizabeth L. Hillman and I both serve, the National Institute of Military Justice, is seeking 1 or more persons on law firms' deferred-associate program to serve a year as NIMJ Fellows. NIMJ's based at, and affiliated with, Washington College of the Law, American University, Washington, D.C.
Duties may include:
► Helping to advance NIMJ’s advocacy work by researching and drafting amicus curiae briefs in military justice and military commission cases, and, periodically, traveling to Guantánamo to observe and provide commentary about commission proceedings (its 1st published NIMJ Reports from Guantánamo includes dispatches from observers including yours truly);
► Assisting the NIMJ to develop commentary and analysis on proposed military justice reform and military commission law through various media; and
► Providing support for the Cox Commission on Military Justice, an independent body charged with proposing reforms in military justice.
Applicants should submit a resume and writing sample to Jonathan Tracy, NIMJ Assistant Director, by e-mail at jtracy@wcl.american.edu or via snail at 4801 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016. Applicants with questions about the post or process may call 202-274-4322.
Further details here.