Women @ ASIL Update

Just in time for the American Society of International Law's annual conference, here's an update to Diane's earlier, comprehensive post, "Women @ ASILquater."
In addition to the IntLawGrrls bloggers and guests/alumnae and other female speakers listed in that post, there are two late-breaking panels that feature IntLawGrrls and other women:
On Thursday, March 25, from 10:45 am ­ 12:00 pm, our own Hope Lewis (pictured right) will moderate a panel entitled “The Humanitarian Crisis in Haiti: International Legal Implications.” The 2010 earthquake in Haiti is estimated to have killed 230,000 people and displaced more than 1 million, triggering a humanitarian crisis of global significance. Only a few weeks later, a massive earthquake hit Chile. This roundtable will address the international and transnational legal implications of such disasters. In particular it will emphasize international legal frameworks for preparedness and risk-reduction and the rights and treatment of internally-displaced persons (including special legal obligations toward women with children, persons with disabilities, and unaccompanied minors). Panelists will also discuss the implications of international trade and development law for long-term recovery after such disasters. Panelists include Janet Lord of the Harvard Law School Project on Disability and Claire Nelson of the Institute of Caribbean Studies.
On Friday, March 26, from 10:45am - 12:00pm, the International Refugee Law Interest Group will sponsor its first panel, entitled "Occupation and Refugee Status: State Responsibility Arising out of War, Intervention, and Prolonged Foreign Territorial Control." This session will address issues relating to the obligations of occupying powers to refugees, such as: Does an occupying power carry primary responsibility for the protection of people whose lives were specifically affected by its actions, for refugees "created" by war or intervention, irrespective of the legitimacy of those acts? Do such obligations extend beyond the time of occupation and what is the relationship between prolonged occupation and refugee status? Panelists include Susan Akram (Boston University) (pictured left) and yours truly, IntLawGrrl Jaya Ramji-Nogales. The discussion will be followed by the Interest Group's business meeting from noon until 12:30 pm.
Also, ASIL Program Committee Co-Chair and IntLawGrrl Hari Osofsky (pictured below right) reminds us not to forget the poster sessions, which include posters from emerging scholars and practitioners doing innovative work (on display during the receptions on Thursday and Friday evening).
Ulrike Barten, Minorities and the Right to Internal Self-Determination ­ Facing Changes in International Law
Kathryn Bryk Friedman, All Politics (or International Law) is Local
IntLawGrrl guest/alumnae Anna Spain (pictured below left), Integration Matters: The Emerging Architecture of International Dispute Resolution
Linda Tashbook, Releasing Captured Documents
Erin Louise Palmer, The Role of International Institutions in Preventing Amnesty for Human Rights Abusers: Lessons from the Chilean Experience
Suzanne Katzenstein, Still Safe to be King? Domestic Courts, Foreign Sovereign Immunity and Human Rights
Katerina Novotna, Kosovo ­ Laboratory of the International Community? Role of International Law in the Re-Establishment of the Rule of Law in Kosovo
Sa Yu, TRIPS Patent Provisions as an International Law of Innovation and Development
Misa Zgonec-Rozej, Judicial review by the EU and Domestic Courts of the Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Regime: Counter-Terrorism, Due Process and the Search for the Golden Mean
See you next week!

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