The Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies (Leiden Law School & Campus Den Haag) has announced two funded PhD vacancies for the project
From Conflict Termination to Peacemaking: Role and Contours of a Contemporary Jus Post Bellum.
The project is funded by the Innovational Research Incentive Scheme (Vidi) of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). It investigates whether and how a modern conception of ‘Jus Post Bellum’ may facilitate greater fairness and sustainability in conflict termination and peacemaking, based on analysis of just war theory, peace settlements, norms and principles in the area of peacemaking and selected case-studies. Analytical research is combined with expert consultations and empirical elements in order to develop and test policy principles and best practices.
The deadline for application is 14 January 2011.
Thanks to our friend and colleague Carsten Stahn (right), an expert on jus post bellum, for sending the word out.
The deadline for application is 14 January 2011.
Thanks to our friend and colleague Carsten Stahn (right), an expert on jus post bellum, for sending the word out.