CWN 150 Publications

The Civil War Navy Sesquicentennial is dedicated to providing scholarship on the history and heritage of the navies during the Civil War during the commemorative years. The following is a summary list of publications produced by the participants of the Civil War Navy Sesquicentennial.

Civil War Navy Special Edition Daybook

The staff of the Hampton Roads Naval Museum published a Civil War Navy 150 Special Edition for The Daybook, its quarterly publication of local naval history. This issue serves a primer for the events and facts concerning the war between the U.S. Navy and the C.S. Navy. A PDF version of the issue can be downloaded here. Print copies are still available. Requests for print copies can be made to The Daybook editor at

Blacks in Blue Jackets: African Americans in the Union Navy

African Americans played an integral part in securing victory for the Union during the Civil War. Download this brief pamphlet outlining a brief history of their involvement during the Civil War HERE.
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