Write On! New gender studies voices

(IntLawGrrls is pleased to welcome back alumna Lisa R. Pruitt, who contributes this Write On! guest post)

This year I have the honor of serving as Chair of the Section on Women in Legal Education of the Association of American Law Schools. In that capacity, I'm pleased to announce that our Section will hold a program during AALS' next Annual Meeting, to be held January 4-8, 2011, in San Francisco, during which papers will be presented by the winners of our New Voices in Gender Studies competition.
Submissions should be of scholarship relating to:
► Women in legal education;
► Any aspect of women’s relationship to the law; or
► Gender, sexuality and the law.
There's a maximum 30,000 word limit (inclusive of footnotes) for the submission. Since this is a paper presentation opportunity, and not one for publication, submitted papers can be committed for publication prior to their submission, but cannot be actually in print prior to their submission. Each professor may submit only one paper for consideration.
Papers will be reviewed anonymously. The manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter with the author’s name and contact information. The manuscript itself, including title page and footnotes, must not contain any references that identify the author or the author’s school. The submitting author is responsible for taking any steps necessary to redact self-identifying text or footnotes.
Please submit your papers electronically to Professor Linda Jellum, Mercer University School of Law, at jellum_l@law.mercer.edu, no later than Monday, August 16, 2010. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by October 1, 2010. Call for Paper participants will be responsible for paying their annual meeting registration fee and travel expenses.
Full-time faculty members of AALS member and fee-paid law schools, who have been teaching for seven or fewer years as of August 16, 2010, are eligible to submit papers. Foreign, visiting (and not full-time on a different faculty) and adjunct faculty members, graduate students, and fellows are not eligible to submit.
If you've any questions about this call for papers, please contact Professor Nancy Levit, Curators’ and Edward D. Ellison Professor of Law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, levitn@umkc.edu.
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