Civil War Community---Scholars Who Blog Pick Most Important Gettysburg Books

Brett Schulte manages TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog for the obsessively compulsed and informed amateurs who study the American Civil War. Schulte has asked professional historians and writers to pick the most interesting from their point of view Gettysburg books. Check out TOCWC and you'll find Ethan Rafuse's, Eric Wittenberg's and Mark Grimsley's lists and about eight other's lists. The list of lists began on July 1. Looking through them, Edwin Coddington's, Harry Pfanz's and at least one of the several Gettysburg books from Savas Beatie Publishers are nearly everyone's list.

Go to TOCWOC for the lists.
Image Source: Rea Andrew Redd, CivilWarLibrarian, 40th New York monument located on east side of Plum Run at Devils Den.
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