The Court granted the appeal of Iran’s Defense Ministry, testing the power of U.S. courts to order a seizure of the assets in the U.S. of a foreign government that has been accused of aiding terrorism, with the assets to be used to pay a debt owed in the U.S. The Solicitor General, asked by the Court for the government’s views, suggested that the Ninth Circuit Court be told to reconsider its ruling on the foreign agency’schallenge to seizure of the proceeds of an arbitration award it had won. The case will be heard later this year; it is Iran Ministry of Defense v. Elahi (07-615).
... and ask 'em about Iran, too.
And yet another transnational case (arising, like the whales case above, out of a Ninth Circuit judgment) added to the Court's docket for next Term. Here's SCOTUS blog's description of the case, which involves an agency of the government of Iran (flag below right):