You go, 'Grrl

IntLawGrrl Johanna E. Bond (left) slipped good news far too subtly into her last post: she'll be moving east this summer to join the faculty at Washington and Lee University School of Law in Lexington, Virginia. As an an Associate Professor of Law, Johanna will be teaching an international human rights practicum, gender & the law, and torts. She'll join the topnotch international law teaching team -- including IntLawGrrl Hari M. Osofsky -- that W&L's Mark A. Drumbl worked to assemble this year.(Mark's also spearheaded major curricular reform at the school. The plan drew criticism from Roger Alford at Opinio Juris, a response from Johanna, and, most recently, a reply from Mark. More commentary no doubt yet to come.)
Johanna, who was a Visiting Associate Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center before moving to her current home athe University of Wyoming, has been busy even in advance of the move. She just returned from traveling with students on a 2 weeks' human rights trip in Namibia, on which she promises to post soon.
Heartfelt congratulations!
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