... 2008 (today), is marked the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. In 1966 the U.N. General Assembly proclaimed the day in its Resolution 2142 (XXI), in order to commemorate the killing by apartheid-era security forces of 69 peaceful demonstrators in Sharpeville, South Africa.
... 1933 (75 years ago today), England's Guardian newspaper reported on a police announcement of plans soon to detain as many as 5,000 "political prisoners" at a just-completed concentration camp in Dachau, a town 12 miles northwest of Munich, Germany. An official explained that
Communists, 'Marxists,' and Reichsbanner leaders who endangered the security of the State would be kept in custody. It was impossible to find room for them allIt's estimated that more than 188,000 persons were interned at Dachau, and that more than 28,000 died there, before Allies liberated the camp in 1945. Now a monument, as the photo above shows, Dachau's walls proclaim, in many languages, "Never Again."in the State prisons, nor was it possible to release them. Experience had shown, he said, that the moment they were released they always started their agitation again. If the safety and order of the State were to be guaranteed such measures were inevitable, and they would be carried out without any petty considerations.