On March 15, ...
... 2008 (today), many countries will observe the 11th annual International Day Against Police Brutality. The 1st were held in Canada and in Switzerland a year after 2 children were beaten by police in the latter country. In the United States, a National Day Against Police Brutality is marked each year on October 22.
... 1963 (45 years ago today), the U.S. government executed Victor Feguer (below right), a 27-year-old "drifter" convicted of murdering a doctor, at Fort Madison, Iowa. It would be the last federal execution for nearly 4 decades. That moratorium that ended when Oklahoma City courthouse bomber Timothy McVeigh was put to death in 2001. A total of 3 federally condemned men have been put to death since then, and today 55 others are on federal death row.