IntLawGrrls on the move

Delighted to announce the good fortunes of a number of IntLawGrrls. In alphabetical order, 'Grrls who're set to begin new academic positions this fall are:

Fiona de Londras
Lecturer in Law, Faculty of Law, University College Dublin, Ireland. Fiona (right), a human rights and terrorism specialist who's finishing Ph.D. work this semester, will be moving from her current post at University College Cork.

Stephanie Farrior
Professor of Law and Director of International Law and Comparative Law Programs, Vermont Law School, South Royalton. A leading human rights scholar, Stephanie (right) is the former Legal Director and general counsel of Amnesty International, the London-based NGO. She'll be moving from the Dickinson School of Law, Pennsylvania State University.

Elizabeth Hillman
Professor of Law, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, San Francisco, where's she's been a Visiting Professor this year. Beth (left) is a scholar of American military law and history (a subject in which she's earned a Ph.D.), with emphasis on definition and prosecution of military crime and the impact of gender and sexuality on military culture; her most recent book is the coauthored Military Justice: Cases and Materials (on which we posted here). She'll be moving from Rutgers University School of Law, Camden, New Jersey.

Hari M. Osofsky
Associate Professor of Law, Washington and Lee University School of Law, Lexington, Virginia. Hari (left), who focuses her scholarship on issues of climate change litigation, as well as law and geography (a subject on which she's working toward a Ph.D.), will be moving from the University of Oregon.

Heartfelt congratulations to all!
Bloggers Team