(Go On! is an occasional item on symposia of interest) In some countries in the Americas citizens are denied the right to their identity, and that denial that threatens their civil status from birth to death. Addressing that issue will be a conference entitled "Right to Identity in the Americas: The Role of Civil Society," to be held March 7 at American University's Center for Human Rights & Humanitarian Law, Washington, D.C. Additional cosponsors are Rights & Democracy, based in Montreal, Canada, and the D.C.-based Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights (of which, I'm proud to say, my former student, Monika Kalra Varma (top right), is director).
Speakers include: our colleague Roxanna Altholz (middle right), Associate Director of the human rights law clinic at the University of California, Berkeley; Sonia Pierre (top left) of El Movimiento de Mujeres Dominico-Haitiana, an NGO in the Dominican Republic; Colette Lespinasse (bottom right) of Le Groupe d'Appui aux Rapatriés et Réfugiés, a Haiti-based NGO; and Dr. Sofia Macher (bottom left), formerly a member of Truth and Reconciliation Committee, representing Instituto de Defensa Legal, an NGO in Peru. Also invited are representatives from the Organization of American States, the United Nations, and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
Can't make it in person? Not a problem. The conference will be webcast at http://wclcenterforhr.org/.