... 2006, notwithstanding concerns about the fairness of President George W. Bush's model for post-September 11 military commissions that the Supreme Court had articulated 2-1/2 months earlier in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, Congress enacted a Military Commissions Act that gave statutory sanction to many aspects of that model. Challenges to provisions of that Act, among them the case of accused child soldier Omar Khadr, are now pending.
On October 17, ...
... 2007 (today), the United Nations marks the 15th annual International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. By resolution of the General Assembly, the day's supposed to "promote awareness of the need to eradicate poverty and destitution in all countries, particularly in developing countries -- a need that has become a development priority." More than 1/2 the world's population is said to live on fewer that $2 a day.