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Go On! "Rethinking Constitutionalism"
(Go On! is an occasional item on symposia of interest.) How the shrinking of the globe and the move toward private management of public goods have reshaped constitutional systems is the subject of "Rethinking Constitutionalism in an Era of Globalization and Privatization," to be held November 4 & 5, 2007, at New York University and Cardozo law schools in New York City. Among the speakers, academics and judges from the United
States and Europe, are Gráinne de Búrca, New York Chief Judge Judith Kaye (left), Bosnia Judge Constance Grewe (below), Francesca Bignami, Suzanne Stone, and IntLawGrrls' own Hélène Ruiz Fabri.
Panel topics: "Transnational Networks and Constitutionalism," "Constitutional Scholarship in an Age of Globalism and the Legacy of the European Tradition," "Constitutional Judges' Forum,"
"Effect of Intergovernmental Global Dealings on National Constitutional Protections," "Incorporating Constitutional Norms into Private Orderings," "Global Fundamental Religion's Challenge to Constitutionalism," and "Constitutionalism and Secularism in an Age of Religious Revival."
Cosponsors along with the New York-based law schools: Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne); I*CON, the International Journal of Constitutional Law; and the U.S. Association of Constitutional Law. For information and registration, contact
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