(Write On! is an occasional item about notable calls for papers.)
The Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict, an interest group of the American Society of International Law, invites nominations for the 2008 Lieber Society Military Prize, awarded annually for "an exceptional writing in English by a member of or person retired from the regular or reserve armed forces of any nation that significantly enhances the understanding and implementation of the law of war." Deadline is January 2, 2008; for details contact ckeever@hawaii.rr.com. Winner of the 2007 prize: Lt. Col. Eric Talbot Jensen, for "Combatant Status: It Is Time for Intermediate Levels of Recognition for Partial Compliance." Winner of the Society's 2007 Francis Lieber Prize, named in honor of the author of the 1863 Lieber Code that proved a precursor for later formulations, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions: Dr. Laura Perna, author of The Formation of the Treaty Law of Non-International Armed Conflicts. Heartfelt congratulations!
Meanwhile, Eyes on the ICC, an interdisciplinary journal produced by the Council for American Students in International Negotiations, is seeking, "from scholars, jurists, diplomats, and professionals," papers and book reviews on "the International Criminal Court (ICC), human rights, public health, children and women's issues, disarmament and development, and nuclear non-proliferation." Here for details.
Finally, Sylvia Kierkegaard (right), information technology legal expert and president of the International Association of IT Lawyers, invites research papers or oral presentations, "on all topics related to Computer law, security and privacy," for its 2d International Conference on Legal, Security and Privacy Issues in IT, set for December 5-7 in Beijing, China. Details here.