Award-winning IntLawGrrls

Heartfelt thanks to Judith Weingarten, author, archeologist, and editor of the blog Zenobia: Empress of the East, and Mary Dudziak, author, law professor, and editor of Legal History Blog. They've bestowed on IntLawGrrls 2 blogger awards: Rockin' Girl Blogger and Thinking Blogger, respectively! (You'll find these virtual plaques displayed proudly every day in our righthand column.)
In each case we're asked to return the favor by honoring 5 additional blogs. My nominee for Rockin' Girl goes backatcha to Mary's LHB, already a Thinking Blogger winner. For Thinking, my vote's for SCOTUSblog, a can't-get-this-info-anything-else resource for tracking the latest developments in domestic law and policy. I leave to others the opportunity to name 4 more in each category. 'Grrls? Readers? Weigh in.
Bloggers Team