'Nuff said

(Occasional item taking context-optional note of thought-provoking quotes)

'Disappointed that taxpayers are called upon to bail out another one. Certainly AIG though with the construction bonds that they're holding and with the insurance that they are holding very, very impactful for Americans, so you know the shot that has been called by the Feds — it's understandable but very, very disappointing that taxpayers are called upon for another one.'

-- The full and verbatim response of 1 of 4 persons vying to govern the United States beginning January 20, 2009.
► Core of the question?
Yesterday's news that the U.S. government had, as the Washington Post put it, "[i]nvok[ed] extraordinary powers granted after the 1929 stock market crash" and "seized control of the insurance giant American International Group to preserve a crucial bulwark of the global financial system."
Later in the day, a down-down-down graph in The New York Times bore the headline "Bailout Fails to Stem Global Stock Slump", while "Russian exchanges halt[ed] trading as shares plummet[ed]", according to London's Guardian. And in Paris, meanwhile, LeMonde's online edition gloomed about a "Nouvelle journée noire pour la finance mondiale". (photo credit)
► Source of the above quote, whose Bushian syntax obscures insight as well as clarity?
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who -- notwithstanding that 1 of the leading women supporting her ticket believes her incapable of running an American corporation -- has put herself forward as the Republican candidate to become the American Vice President.

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