Hot Off the Presses

Heartfelt congratulations to IntLawGrrls' own Connie de la Vega (below), who joins 2 other IntLawGrrls, Elizabeth Hillman and Beth Van Schaack, as authors of just-published books.
Connie's contribution is International Human Rights Law (2007).
Along with co-author David Weissbrodt, she's produced what the publisher, University of Pennsylvania Press, calls "a comprehensive introductory treatise, intended for all concerned about this critical area of international law, including students, lawyers, other advocates, teachers, and academics." Within the book's 3 sections may be found:

► Discussions of the development of human rights as a field within international law;

► Summaries of each rights set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent instruments; and
► Examination of national, regional, and international implementation processes.

You go, 'Grrl!
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