1617 (390 years ago today), Father Joseph Le Caron conducted the
1st marriage ceremony in Québec. Marrying Étienne Jonquet, a native of Normandy, was
Anne Hébert, daughter of a Parisian surgeon and his wife, who'd brought their family to France's North American colony the same year. The bride, believed about age 15 at the time of her wedding,
died in childbirth 2 or 3 years later.
1987 (20 years ago today), the
United Nations opened its files
on war crimes to a member state for the 1st time, and investigators from the U.S. Department of Justice immediately began examining the records. "Access to the records had become a matter of dispute since the disclosure last year that former Secretary General
Kurt Waldheim, now the President of Austria, was listed in a closed file that contained allegations against him" respecting his till-then hidden service as a Nazi intelligence office. Waldheim
died in June of this year.
(1978 photo of Waldheim visiting U.N. peacekeepers from Norway, stationed in Lebanon, courtesy of the United Nations)...
1955, U.S. Sen.
Mary Landrieu (D-La.) was born in Arlington, Virginia.