On September 3, ...

... 2007 (today), Americans celebrate Labor Day, a no-work day in honor of working folk. Most other countries mark this on May Day. It's said, though, that U.S. President Grover Cleveland shied from the 1st of May out of concern that it was too closely linked to labor militancy and to the Haymarket Riots of May 1886. Politics notwithstanding, it's a great final-summer-fling-weekend for all. Cause enough to celebrate.
... 1981, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 1979, entered into force. On adherence to the Convention, the U.N. Division on the Advancement of Women writes:
Currently, 185 countries -- over ninety percent of the members of the United Nations -- are party to the Convention. An additional State has signed, but not ratified the treaty, therefore it is not bound to put the provisions of the Convention into practice.

That lone signer-not-a-party? The United States.
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