For human rights doctoral students

Summer saw the launch of another new blog, PhD studies in human rights, now the latest addition to our list of "connections." It's run by our colleague, William A. Schabas, Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights and Professor of Human Rights Law at the National University Ireland, Galway, now visiting at Cardozo Law School. Provided are head's ups on recent developments of note in the human rights world. Recent posts've covered a range of human rights matters, from commentary on Bosnia v. Serbia, the February 2007 decision of the International Court of Justice (see IntLawGrrls' takes here, here, and here), to an amicus brief from Dick Marty (strike 3 in the above blograting) to the U.S. Supreme Court, to Bill's recent human-rights-lecturing gig at the Venice Film Festival. (Jealous? You bet.)
Heartfelt welcome.
Bloggers Team