On May 29, ...

... 1913, the début performance of "The Rite of Spring" ballet set off a near-riot in Paris. Audience members were shocked by "outrageous costumes," the "unusual choreography" of Vaslav Nijinsky, and the "musical innovations" of composer Igor Stravinsky. For all these reasons, this work remains an international favorite.
... 2007 (today), is the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, by 2002 declaration of the U.N. General Assembly. Founded in 1948, the "Blue Helmets," as they are known, were awarded the 1988 Nobel Peace Prize for contributing, "under extremely difficult conditions, contributed to reducing tensions where an armistice has been negotiated but a peace treaty has yet to be established," and so "represent[ing] the manifest will of the community of nations to achieve peace through negotiations ...."
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