(Write On! is an occasional item about notable calls for papers.) If you're at work on a paper within the broad theme of "
International Law in a Heterogeneous World/
Le Droit international dans un monde hétérogène," consider submitting it for presentation at a conference of the same name to be held September 4-6, 2008, in Heidelberg, Germany. Organizers are the
European Society of International Law -- this'll be the 3d biennial conference of ESIL, the still-young society for which IntLawGrrl Hélène Ruiz Fabri serves as President -- and the Heidelberg-based
Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law.
2 types of papers're being sought for 2 types of panels, each of which'll comprise a chair and 4 presenters:
1st, for the 8 "Fora," papers that "directly address different aspects of the main
topic of the conference," as follows: "International Law and Religions"; "Immigration/Migration: How states cope with increasing pluralism within their societies – the role of international law"; "The Multiplicity of Law-Making Processes/ International Law-Making facing Heterogeneity"; "International Law and the Media/Interaction between international law and the media in a heterogeneous world"; "Heterogeneity reflected in International Legal Traditions"; "The Role of the WTO in balancing Heterogeneity of Interests in the shaping of International Law"; and "International Law and the Millennium Development goals."
2d, for the 8 "Agor
ae," papers "that do not directly address the topic of the conference but should stimulatethe exchange of views on specific thematic areas of international law," as follows: "History"; "International Organizations, Institutions and Administration"; "Legitimacy of International Law"; "Social Justice"; "Sexuality and Gender"; "International Crime"; "Science"; and "Environmental Law."
Abstracts are due no later than January 21, 2008. Details here.